Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Who would be goood for the part of the rat...?

Losing face is an interesting expression, because it is something of an appropriation of a notion of not being able to face someone you have wronged unjustly.
In my case, I'm trying not to lose face, with respect to George, because i have not done a spot of work on my animation project in a long time. (My sincerest apologies, George. I was busy working on my portfolio which i plan to send abroad. I meant no disrespect.)
In the case of my mouse, however, I'm hoping he loses face(s). And at the end of the show, I'll be left with just the one face i want.
A vote, anyone?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

A symbol of hope....Oh,sorry, that's hop.

As you can see, we have some thoughts on the logo inside the black circles. The rest of those doodles are just other thoughts. Some may be disturbing, but you're safe as long as you don't actually touch them on your screen. Seriously.


BlogMonster!!!... or is it blog monsieur..?

Ok, I admit it- I have been a little bloglazy these past few weeks. Oh, alright - very lazy! But all that is in the past now. (Whew!) Now to business. I am happy to tell you all that though I have been missing from the blogging scene, I HAVE been working on our favourite little rat. We now have a little song for the title sequence.
Now I have been thinking about the character itself for some time. What should me rat look like? Well I finally decided to take the plunge and put pen to paper. Its not much but tell me what you think.
But the question remains, as George Supreet rightly pointed out- where am i going with this? An interesting discussion with George today led me to the fact that the role of the rat in the animated world is an ancient one. It is no longer enough that the rat acts like a human. The harmonium rat IS a new concept but there has to be more to it. Easier said than done. But that's what i'm tryin to do, so its a step in the right direction.
As far as the logo for my cartoon is concerned, I've put a few thoughts down on doodles. Nothing substantial, but its something of a kick-off point.
That's all for now. Till the next post, goodbye!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

But why a rat?!!

Well, its like this- the way i see it, nowadays, there're aren't a lot of really good cartoons out there being aired. For people who know me, you know i complain a lot. For people who don't- well, i complain a lot. I've been whining about how cartoon network (my absolut favorite channel) has gone from bad to worse to "WHAT THE BLAZES IN GOD'S HOLY NAME IS THAT?!!!!". That's when i decided to do something about it.

Ok, I'll be honest- there are some really good cartoons out there- Samurai Jack, Dexter's lab, south park etc. But where ARE they among the rest of the drivel like Pokemon, digimon and extrashittymon?!!

Also, I wanted to create a cartoon myself and PUT IT OUT THERE, for everyone to see.

THE CONCEPT of harmonium rat came to me one fine evening when i was thinking about a rat i had seen earlier. When it moved, its frontal portion moved first and then the rest of its body caught up with it. I thought it would be funny to see such a rat with an acordian or the harmoniumy part of the harmonium as a midriff.

Everyone out there loves a good laugh. That coupled with a cute little rat/mouse would really work people's funny bones (respectively). I plan to use any means necessary to make this little rodent run around, and by that i mean- Toon boom, anime studio, flash, sound forge and anything else i can get my hands on.

I haven't decided how long i plan to make each bit, but when i do, you'll be the first to know!


Monday, September 24, 2007

Hi! at the end of one year, you will see- Harmonium Rat! the animated musical rodent!