Ok, I admit it- I have been a little bloglazy these past few weeks. Oh, alright - very lazy! But all that is in the past now. (Whew!) Now to business. I am happy to tell you all that though I have been missing from the blogging scene, I HAVE been working on our favourite little rat. We now have a little song for the title sequence.
Now I have been thinking about the character itself for some time. What should me rat look like? Well I finally decided to take the plunge and put pen to paper. Its not much but tell me what you think.
But the question remains, as George Supreet rightly pointed out- where am i going with this? An interesting discussion with George today led me to the fact that the role of the rat in the animated world is an ancient one. It is no longer enough that the rat acts like a human. The harmonium rat IS a new concept but there has to be more to it. Easier said than done. But that's what i'm tryin to do, so its a step in the right direction.
As far as the logo for my cartoon is concerned, I've put a few thoughts down on doodles. Nothing substantial, but its something of a kick-off point.
That's all for now. Till the next post, goodbye!